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Hello from Viv: "Please explore this wonderful website, that has become a sort of living, travelling memories 'book' of all things past, leaving room for all things future. In addition, I've got a Production Company called 'Worcestershire Saucy', so click on the Facebook link to access the page."

Dave Wilson : You are my side kick, buddy, husband and soul mate who has been there for me every step and every minute. Ever the listener.
Ethel & John Moore : What can I say – if you hadn’t provided me with the space to fail, I wouldn’t be where I am now, feeling the support and love.
Jen Moore : Unconditional love, that’s what you have faithfully given me.
Ed Sinclair : I owe you my firstborn for all the love, help, emotional and technological support. You inspire and stoke my artistic flames. I adore our collaborations.
Kerry Fletcher : For your unstoppable and unending love for me and your art, also for our fun-filled hybrid excursions.

AND lastly, for all those who have shown an interest in connecting with me, thank you.
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