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Hello from Viv: "Please explore this wonderful website, that has become a sort of living, travelling memories 'book' of all things past, leaving room for all things future. In addition, I've got a Production Company called 'Worcestershire Saucy', so click on the Facebook link to access the page."


Dave Wilson : You are my side kick, buddy, husband and soul mate who has been there for me every step and every minute. Ever the listener.


Ethel & John Moore : What can I say – if you hadn’t provided me with the space to fail, I wouldn’t be where I am now, feeling the support and love.


Jen Moore : Unconditional love, that’s what you have faithfully given me.


Ed Sinclair : I owe you my firstborn for all the love, help, emotional and technological support. You inspire and stoke my artistic flames. I adore our collaborations.


Kerry Fletcher : For your unstoppable and unending love for me and your art, also for our fun-filled hybrid excursions.

AND lastly, for all those who have shown an interest in connecting with me, thank you.



Worcestershire Saucy

Postcard Invite (2009)

England, Lost And Found

Postcard Invite (2007)

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Worcestershire Saucy

Poster (2009)

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